
Illegal drug plant cultivation and armed conflicts. Case studies from Asia and Northern Africa

Illegal drug plant cultivation and armed conflicts.
Case studies from Asia and Northern Africa

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy
CNRS Research Fellow (Prodig)

In Rami Zurayk, Eckart Woertz, Rachel Anne Bahn (Ed.). 2018.
Crisis and Conflict in the Agrarian World: An Evolving Dialectic.
Oxon, CABI Publishing, pp. 64-72.


In Asia and other continents, the internal peace of a number of countries has been affected, sometimes even conditioned, by the existence of illegal agricultural production and the ensuing illegal trade (Chouvy and Laniel, 2007). However, through loss of politico-territorial control, the armed conflicts that have afflicted certain states have made possible and even encouraged the development of such agricultural production and trafficking.

About the author

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy

Dr. Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy holds a Ph.D. in Geography from the Sorbonne University (Paris) and an HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches or "accreditation to supervise research"). He is a CNRS Research Fellow attached to the PRODIG research team (UMR 8586).

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy est docteur en géographie, habilité à diriger des recherches (HDR), et chargé de recherche au CNRS. Il est membre de l'équipe PRODIG (UMR 8586).
